docker ps -a = List docker containers including the stopped ones
docker logs -f [ID] = Show the logs wrote in a container
docker logs --tail 200 [ID]
docker commit [ID] (my_new_image) = Convert a container to image
(returns value: sha256:hash)
docker save -o /path/my_new_image.tar = Save a docker image to be ready to imported
docker load -i /path/my_new_image.tar = Import (load) a foreign image
docker run -it sha256:hash /bin/bash = Spin up the image and run a command in it
(you are inside the container now)
docker export [ID] > /path/ide.tar = Export a container into a .tar file
docker diff [ID] = Show the modified files inside a container since its start
docker cp [ID]:/var/log/apache2/access.log ./access.log = Copy a file from container to host
docker-compose build = Build the correctly setup container (in its directory)
docker-compose up -d = Run it
docker rm [ID] = removes an instance of the container that was run
docker rm `docker ps -a -q` = remove all stopped containers
docker rmi image-name = removes the docker image and its dependencies
docker inspect [ID] = See the details of a container
docker run -p 8080:80 = will redirect the container's port 80 to a port 8080 on the host machine's user port
docker port [ID] = will list the port mapping information
docker top [ID] = See the running processes inside of a container
docker history [IMAGE-NAME] = See the commands the container was originally created by