Two minor notes: pfviewer is a special company group in which all the viewer right assigned users are. Jane.manager1 and john.manager2 are the company head managers.
Import-Module activedirectory
$ShName = Read-Host "Please specify the new groupname, e.g.: TechGroup1"
$Name = "Contoso "+$ShName
if (!(dsquery group -samid $Name)){ NEW-ADGroup -name $Name -groupscope 2 -path "OU=ContMailLists,DC=co,DC=local" }else{Write-Host "WARNING: ADGroup already exists. PRESS CTRL+C to exit or take the consequences."}
$DotName ="contoso."+$ShName
$EmailADD = $DotName+""
$PFName = "Contoso_"+$ShName+"_Archiv"
$Ember = Read-Host "Specify the login name of the user going to be a member of this group. E.g.: john.smith"
$FullPFName = "\"+$PFName
$PFEmail = "contoso"+$ShName+""
$IfGroupExists = Get-DistributionGroup -name $Name -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'
if( $IfGroupExists)
$IFSTOP = Read-Host "This distribution group already exists! Press CTRL+C-t to exit"
Write-Host -NoNewline "Please wait a bit. Shouldn't take long"
If($Idx -gt 0) {Start-sleep -s 2}
$r = Get-ADGroup -Filter {SamAccountName -eq $Name}
Write-Host -NoNewline "."
$Idx = $Idx + 1
Enable-DistributionGroup -Identity "CN=$Name,OU=ContMailLists,DC=wt,DC=local" -Alias $DotName
Set-DistributionGroup -Identity $Name -ManagedBy co.local\Admin -BypassSecurityGroupManagerCheck
Set-DistributionGroup -Identity $Name -RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled 0 -PrimarySmtpAddress $EmailADD -WindowsEmailAddress $EmailADD -EmailAddressPolicyEnabled 0 -Alias $DotName -GrantSendOnBehalfTo jane.manager1, john.manager2, $Ember
New-PublicFolder -Name $PFName -Path \
Enable-MailPublicFolder -Identity $FullPFName -HiddenFromAddresslistsEnabled 1
Set-MailPublicFolder -Identity $FullPFName -EmailAddressPolicyEnabled 0
Set-MailPublicFolder -Identity $FullPFName -EmailAddresses $PFEmail
Add-PublicFolderClientPermission -Identity $FullPFName -accessrights ReadItems,CreateItems,FolderVisible -user pfviewer
Remove-PublicFolderClientPermission -Identity $FullPFName -accessrights ReadItems,EditOwnedItems,DeleteOwnedItems,FolderVisible -user default -Confirm:$false
Add-DistributionGroupMember -Identity $Name -member $PFName
Add-DistributionGroupMember -Identity $Name -member $Ember
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